Saturday, September 01, 2007
Guess who's back?
Guess who's back?
Yes, I'm back.
Actually, it has already been a few days since I got back from Malaysia.
I was just too lazy to announce to the entire world, that's all.
Well, it was a short holiday.
Shorter than I've expected.
That's because there's almost nothing to do there except shopping.
So yes, it was a waste of my time.
But I did buy new clothes for myself though.
I wont be blogging about my Malaysia trip just yet.
Next entry, perhaps.
But if you guys must know, yes, Malaysian girls(at least most) are prettier than the girls here.
They were so damn hot.
P.S: I'm trying to upload the pictures from my phone into my computer. It might take a while so bear with me.
Benn blogged at 1:15 AM